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Fixed Income Products

Fixed Income Products

Since the early days, Fixed-Income Products have long been used by people in India to park their savings and earn returns through interest rates higher than that offered by a savings account.

Our fixed Income products offer one of the attractive investment opportunities with regard to safety of money invested, adequate liquidity, and flexibility in structuring a portfolio, easier monitoring, long term reliability and reasonable certainty of returns from investment made.


Fixed Income securities are one of the most innovative and dynamic instruments evolved in the financial system. Based as they are on the concept of interest and time-value of money, Fixed Income securities personify the essence of innovation and transformation, which have fueled the explosive growth of the financial markets over the past few centuries. It provides returns in the form of fixed intervals income or at the end of a specified time period whereas the principal is repaid to the client on maturity or on the call/put option exercise date.

Backed by good credit rating and attractive yields such products offer the scope of not only creating wealth but also act as investment protection vehicles as they tend to balance out the higher risk products in the portfolio. We analyze the entire spectrum of fixed income products and present opportunities that address the investment needs at different stages of life cycle of a client.

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